Committee Procedures for Professionalism Deficiencies

Any student who demonstrates failure to uphold LMU-DCOM’s professionalism and/or conduct policies may be subject to disciplinary actions. The student may be referred to the Community Standards Committee or the Student Progress Committee. The student’s entire academic and professional record can be examined during the meeting.

Community Standards Committee

The Community Standards Committee is designed to promote optimal student professionalism in-and-out of the classroom. The Committee is comprised of the Assistant Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, and other relevant LMU- DCOM administration as deemed necessary by the specific circumstance. The goal of the Committee is to ensure that students can engage in professional learning opportunities while gaining mentorship from LMU-DCOM administration. A student’s failure to comply with the Community Standards Committee will result in a referral back to the Student Progress Committee.

At any time, a grievance or concern regarding another student can be made to the Assistant/Associate Dean of Students. All parties in receipt of a student grievance will respond as soon as possible but should take no longer than five (5) working days following receipt of the grievance. The Assistant/Associate Dean of Students and/or Community Standards Committee shall determine the appropriate course of action to address the grievance.

Student Progress Committee

The purpose of the Student Progress Committee (SPC) is to ensure that every graduate of LMU-DCOM has the skills, knowledge, and judgment to assume the responsibilities of an osteopathic doctor. The Committee will monitor student progress and ensure that all students meet the academic and professional requirements necessary for advancement in the curriculum and graduation. The role of the Committee is not to approve all students for promotion into the next academic year, that is the job of the Faculty Assembly. The Committee, appointed by the Dean of LMU-DCOM, is composed of faculty members and the Assistant/Associate Deans of LMU-DCOM (non- voting, ex-officio members).

For students who are required to appear before SPC for evaluation of professionalism violations, SPC may recommend the following:

  1. Referral to the Community Standards Committee
  2. Professionalism Probation
  3. Dismissal from LMU-DCOM